Honey and garlic roasted salmon
Serves 8 Prep time Prep 30 mins Ingredients 2 kg fresh wild salmon 8-10 garlic cloves 3 tbsp. honey 150 g salted butter 2 tbsp. Demerara sugar Method Heat wood-fired oven for 3-4hours until it reaches a peak of 250degC allowing it to drop to approximately 180degC. Test temperatures with infra-red thermometer. Ask your fishmonger … <a href="https://served.mt/honey-roasted-salmon/">Continued</a>

3 Sides dishes that are perfect for Roasting
Jean Paul Demajo serves up tried and tested well loved sides with a little added oomph to them. Oven Roasted Vegetables Serves 8 Prep time Prep time 90 mins Calculate two vegetables perperson. Wash, peel and slice parsnips, carrots and onions together with 10 finely chopped garlic cloves. Place in oven dish. Pour a generous … <a href="https://served.mt/3-sides-dishes-that-are-perfect-for-roasting/">Continued</a>