Neapolitan Easter Bread
Serves 10 Ingredients 30g fresh yeast 300ml lukewarm water 500g strong white bread flour 1 tsp salt 1 tsp black pepper 50g grated Parmesan cheese 50g grated pecorino cheese 100ml extra virgin olive oil 50g prosciutto piece, cut into small cubes 50g mortadella piece, cut into small cubes 50g salami piece, cut into small cubes … <a href="https://served.mt/neapolitan-easter-bread/">Continued</a>

Mastering Sourdough bread
As evidence grows that this slow-fermented bread may be easier to digest, Served joined a Sourdough Masterclass organised by Sass Woods, fitMaltamums.com, and led Julia Ripard to see how it’s really made. Sourdough breads use a fermented batter-like dough starter to make them rise and enhance their flavour. A portion of the sourdough starter is … <a href="https://served.mt/mastering-sourdough-bread/">Continued</a>

Caramel Donuts with Stretta Beer
Donuts with salted Stretta beer caramel…Maltese bread and olive oil crumb This has to be one of my favourite things to bring over to someone’s house. Ingredients we use all of the time just in a way that you may have not thought to put together. Feel free to use any other Maltese beer. I … <a href="https://served.mt/donuts-with-salted-stretta-beer-caramel/">Continued</a>