Squid Ink Arancini
Makes 12 Prep time 40 minutes Ingredients 500ml fish stock Half an onion, finely diced 1 clove garlic confit 200g celery, peeled and diced 50g Parmesan cheese, grated 40g butter 60ml olive oil 200g Arborio rice 60ml white wine Juice from 1 lemon 25ml pasteurised squid ink 200g calamari, cleaned and diced Flour, beaten eggs … <a href="https://served.mt/squid-ink-arancini/">Continued</a>

Mastering sushi rolls.
Sushi chef Joshua Ramos at Medasia Fusion Lounge gives Served a five-minute master session in basic sushi making, making it look effortless. The recipes he shares below are actually quite easy to master and ingredients are available in all leading supermarkets. Did you know? On average, each person in Japan consumes around 100 grams of … <a href="https://served.mt/mastering-sushi-rolls/">Continued</a>

Oyster sliders…
…with spicy remoulade Serves 6 Prep time 45 mins Ingredients For the sliders 6 mini slider buns 12 oysters shucked 200 ml milk and another 10 ml milk 2 g cayenne pepper 1 egg 125 g flour 60g cornmeal flour Salt & pepper Vegetable oil, for frying Dill pickles, sliced Iceberg lettuce For the spicy … <a href="https://served.mt/oyster-sliders/">Continued</a>