Strawberry Chili Jam with Scones
Makes 1 250ml jar and 12 scones, Prep time 1 hr Ingredients, For The Jam 800 gr strawberries 600gr caster sugar 1 Tsp Chilli Flakes 1 Tsp Salt Method Wash and cut the Strawberries in 4 pieces. In a pot add all the ingredients. Boil for 20 minutes, skim the jam and bottle in a … <a href="https://served.mt/strawberry-chili-jam-with-scones/">Continued</a>

Strawberry and pastry cream tart
Try your hand at these strawberry tarts before strawberry season ends! Makes 8 Prep time 1.30 mins Ingredients for the shortcrust pastry White flour, 200g Icing sugar, 30g Salt, 5g Cold butter, 100g Egg, 1 Ingredients for the strawberry coulis Strawberries, 300g Jam sugar, 100g Lemon, juice of 1 Rum or whiskey, 10g Ingredients for … <a href="https://served.mt/strawberry-and-pastry-cream-tart/">Continued</a>