Pancake with fresh cream, honey & fresh berries
Serves 4 Prep time 45 minutes Ingredients 100g plain flour 2 large eggs 300ml milk 1 tbsp sunflower or vegetable oil, plus a little extra for frying 4 strawberries 4 blackberries 4 raspberries 10 blueberries 300ml whipped cream 3 blood orange wedges Icing sugar Method Put flour, eggs, milk, sunflower or vegetable oil and a … <a href="https://served.mt/pancake-with-fresh-cream-honey-fresh-barriers3/">Continued</a>

Tut, basil, sumac and gin refresher
Sumac is one of my favourite spices and is used liberally throughout Levantine dishes. A small tart berry that is dried and ground it adds a little tang to this summer cocktail. Serves 1 Prep time 5 mins Ingredients For the sumac syrup: 200ml water 200g sugar 1 tbsp. Sumac For the cocktail: 50 ml … <a href="https://served.mt/tut-basil-sumac-and-gin-refresher/">Continued</a>

Strawberry, butter sugar toasts
Serves 2 Prep Time: 20 mins Ingredients For the strawberry & balsamic sauce: 10 blackberries 15 medium strawberries 3 tbsp. good quality balsamic 4 tbsp. castor sugar For the toast 4 slices rustic bread 4 tbsp. unsalted butter 3 tbsp. granulated sugar 1 large chunk of good quality brie Method For the strawberry & balsamic sauce: … <a href="https://served.mt/dish-strawberry-butter-sugar-toasts/">Continued</a>