Slow-cooked Saddle of Lamb
Merguez sausage, Lambchetta, braised pearl barley, broad bean puree, peas, pomme dauphine, lamb jus. Serves 4 Prep time 90 minutes Ingredients For the Saddle 1 x 1.2kg saddle of lamb (bone out and skin removed) 100g chicken breast (minced) 1 egg white 90g fresh cream 70g Chevre (soft goat’s chees) Chives Thyme 2 sheets Nori 2 … <a href="https://served.mt/slow-cooked-saddle-of-lamb/">Continued</a>

Creamy Zucchini Linguini
Enjoy a low-carb alternative to pasta – perfect as comfort food, when you’re trying to count your calories. Serves 2 Prep time 30 minutes Ingredients 1 tbsp olive oil 1 Chicken breast (approx. 250g), diced 200g cherry tomatoes, halved ½ tsp salt ½ tsp pepper ½ tsp garlic powder 1 tsp dried basil Ingredients For … <a href="https://served.mt/creamy-zucchini-linguini/">Continued</a>

Pan roasted corn fed chicken breast…
… with braised cannellini beans & Chorizo Cassoulet, Confit of tomatoes, wilted greens & chicken jus Serves 2 Prep time 60 mins Ingredients 1kg corn fed chicken breast 400g cannellini beans 100g chorizo julienne 50ml fresh cream 1 onion finely chopped 100ml chicken stock 50g cream cheese (Philadelphia or mascarpone) Parsley/basil (finely chopped) 2 plum … <a href="https://served.mt/pan-roasted-corn-fed-chicken-breast/">Continued</a>