Torta Tal-Lampuki
Serves 8 Prep time 2 hours Ingredients 3 tbsp Monini Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 large red onion, peeled and finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 2 tomatoes, chopped 1 tbsp Mutti Doppio Concentrato Tomato Paste Chilli to taste 400g cooked spinach, drained 1 tsp mixed spice Salt and pepper 12 black olives, stoned and … <a href="https://served.mt/torta-tal-lampuki/">Continued</a>

Moroccan Fish Tagine
Serves 4 Prep time 60 minutes/ Cooking time 20-25 minutes Ingredients ¼ cup fresh flat-leaf parsley 2tbsp minced fresh cilantro ½ cup olive oil 2tsp sweet Hungarian paprika 8 threads Spanish saffron, crushed 1tsp ground ginger 1 lemon 4 fish fillets (I used Perch) 1 can of tomatoes 2 large garlic cloves, pressed 1tsp ground … <a href="https://served.mt/moroccan-fish-tagine/">Continued</a>

Fish Congee
Serves 4 Prep time 1 hr + 10 mins Ingredients 1 cup long grain rice + 10 cups water 1/2 inch piece ginger, smashed 300g fresh white fish ½ tbsp. sesame oil 1 tbsp. light soy sauce 1 Tsp. ground pink peppercorns Toppings 1 cup dried seaweed 4 soft-boiled eggs Black and white sesame seeds … <a href="https://served.mt/fish-congee/">Continued</a>