Slow-cooked Saddle of Lamb
Merguez sausage, Lambchetta, braised pearl barley, broad bean puree, peas, pomme dauphine, lamb jus. Serves 4 Prep time 90 minutes Ingredients For the Saddle 1 x 1.2kg saddle of lamb (bone out and skin removed) 100g chicken breast (minced) 1 egg white 90g fresh cream 70g Chevre (soft goat’s chees) Chives Thyme 2 sheets Nori 2 … <a href="https://served.mt/slow-cooked-saddle-of-lamb/">Continued</a>

Vegan Tarts
Makes 16 Prep time 30 minutes Ingredients 2 carrots 1 roll of vegan puff pastry (available from all supermarkets) 2 nori sheets, chopped 250ml hot water 2 tbsp. tamari or soy 1 tbsp. maple syrup 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar 1 tsp. smoked paprika 1 tsp. garlic powder 1/8 tsp. ground black pepper Sea salt … <a href="https://served.mt/vegan-smoked-salmon-tarts/">Continued</a>

Smokey Tempeh Burger
What’s tempeh? An Indonesian staple made by fermenting cooked soy beans for 2-3 days. After 3 days mould forms and binds the soybeans forming what they call a ‘tempeh cake’. It has a nutty flavour and is a very dense source of protein and probiotics. Unlike tofu which is made up of mostly soymilk, tempeh … <a href="https://served.mt/smokey-tempeh-burger/">Continued</a>