A Spring-Themed Picnic Spread With Tettiera – 3 seasonal recipes for the easy outdoor dining!
Spring is in the air, and we’re sharing a few seasonal recipes best enjoyed while lounging across a picnic blanket, sipping on some bubbles or lovely cup of tea! Orange Blossom Meringue with Whipped Mascarpone and Orange Curd Serves 8-10 Prep time 1 hour 30 minutes Ingredients 5 eggs 200g Caster sugar 2 tsp … <a href="https://served.mt/a-spring-themed-picnic-spread-with-tettiera/">Continued</a>
Spaghetti Broad Beans
Featuring this seasons’ star, broad beans, this dish is quick, easy, light and fresh, perfect for a light lunch or a sharing pasta dish. Serves 4 Prep time: 40 minutes Ingredients 400g Spaghetti 4 artichokes 1 lemon for acidulated water 600g broad beans, young, pods 500g peas, young, in their pods 1 large white, sliced … <a href="https://served.mt/spaghetti-broad-beans/">Continued</a>
Spring Seasonal Star Broad Beans
A Mediterranean spring favourite, broad beans, aka ful, can be eaten raw, cooked, or blended. You will see this nutritious bean used as a dip or spread, added to hearty soups, or added to a Primavera pasta dish. Il-Ful – The Broad Bean The ‘broad bean’ is also referred to as English bean, Horse bean, … <a href="https://served.mt/spring-seasonal-star-broad-beans/">Continued</a>