Serves 2

Prep time 5 mins


1 shot vodka, each
200ml of tomato juice, each
A cups worth of ice, each
Juice of 1/2 lemon, in each
A few drops of tobacco sauce, in each
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce, in each
1 tsp celery salt
2 celery sticks, tops
Pinch of black pepper


Fill the glasses with ice, add a shot of vodka and tomato juice in each. Season with Worcestershire
and Tabasco sauce, a pinch of celery salt, and squeeze half a lemon in each. Finish with a pinch of
black pepper, and serve with a stick of celery.
Tip: You can wet the rim of the glass and coat in celery salt as well for added flavour!

Recipe By Julia Ripard for Served Issue 20
Photography by Julia Ripard