Serve on top of a generous amount of the mint sauce a good glug of olive oil and more Pecorino cheese and fresh mint.

Serves 4

Prep time 3 hours

Ingredients for the Strozzapreti

Ricotta, 500g
Pecorino, 200g, grated
Red chard or regular, large bunch, blanched
Plain flour, 3 tbsp
Egg, 2
Fresh nutmeg, to taste
Lemon, zest of one
Salt, to taste
Extra flour for dusting

Ingredients for the sauce

Mint leaves, 3 large handfuls
Spring garlic, 2 whole, including greens
Olive oil, 200ml
Lemon, juice and zest of one
Pecorino, 100g, grated
Salt, to taste

Method for the strozzapreti

Make the Strozzapreti by combining the ricotta with the eggs, pecorino, lemon zest, a good pinch of salt and a good grating of nutmeg. Squeeze out as much water as possible from the chard and finely chop. Mix with the other ingredients. Add in the flour and mix until everything is homogenous. Try not to over work.

To Assemble

Dust a clean working surface with plenty of flour and generously coat 2 baking trays with flour. Take a tablespoon of the mixture and form in between very floured hands into an oblong/quenelle shape. Gently place on the baking sheet and repeat with the remainder of the mixture. Place in the fridge for at least an hour.

Method for the sauce

For the cold sauce bring a pot of salted water to the boil and tip in the mint. Leave for 30 seconds and remove with a slotted spoon to a bowl full of ice to cool. Run water over it and then shake dry the mint leaves.

Roughly chop the spring garlic and also blanch leaving it for 2 minutes to remove some of the harshness. Strain and chill as with the mint. Transfer the drained mint and garlic to a food processor or into a bowl in which an immersion blender fits comfortably. Add the remaining ingredients and blitz until a smooth sauce forms. Season with salt.

To Cook

Bring a pot of water to the boil and salt. Once at a rolling bowl lower in 6 Strozzapreti at a time and reduce to a simmer. The bubbles on a vigorous boil will break up the gentle dumplings and you don’t want that. Better to have patience. Wait till they float up to the surface, remove with a slotted spoon, bring back up to the boil and repeat with the remaining dumplings.

Plate supplied by The Catering Centre