A Guide To Quick Pickling
Pickling involves the brining and marinating of fruit or vegetables, and allows for short term storage. A brine is a solution of vinegar, water, salt and sugar and is used as the pickling liquid. It’s important to note quick pickles must be stored in the fridge to last up to 2 to 3 weeks as … <a href="https://served.mt/a-guide-to-quick-pickling/">Continued</a>

Kitchen Hacks: How To Store Fresh Herbs
Whether store-bought or home-grown, fresh herbs are an essential ingredients to almost every dish you can think of. If you have your own herb-garden or windowsill herbs, you can simply pick your fresh herbs as you need. But often when you buy from the supermarket, you get more than you need for any one dish. … <a href="https://served.mt/kitchen-hacks-how-to-store-fresh-herbs/">Continued</a>

5 Zero-Waste Kitchen Hacks
5 Zero-Waste Kitchen Hacks De-cluttering your kitchen space (and keeping it that way!) has so many benefits on your psyche and can have potential positive impacts on the environment. It’s simple – the less you produce and consume the better it is for the environment. How can we reduce waste from our kitchen? 1.Turn your … <a href="https://served.mt/5-zero-waste-kitchen-hacks/">Continued</a>